Solmarar SoulSlaver Halfling Sorcerer (Corruptor) Luukosian
Bio Born during the final Elven war Solmarar was left lost in the woods of Upper Trollfang were he was found confused, battered, and confused unsure of were his parents were. He was taken under the wing of Master Polveiss to learn the ways of the sorcerers for a short time before setting off to forage his own path of chaos. On his path he was enthralled by death and the corruption of things around him, leading him to the Master of Undeath Lord Luukos.
To be continued
Sadly this story has ended due to all accounts being banned for asking for help to return to the game. They claim I asked for money when a GoA isn't technicly money as it can't be exchanged for real money. This was done via the Discord not in game... yet they completely banned me all the same.
New GS world was created for the sol purpose to continue the story but sadly, lack of inspiration and motivation has left both the copy of the Elanthia and story collecting dust on a private server.