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The Crimson Moon, also known as The Rise of Lornon, is a Platinum storyline that began in November of 2010 and is still active as of March 11, 2013. It is concerned with a group of five Lornon Arkati's attempts to take control of the world, and the efforts to resist them.

Note: This information is mostly gathered from player submissions. There will be errors and omissions. Information from the Lornon side is also understandably much less than the Liabo side. Much of the information is taken from Nilandia's perspective, as she has made many of the event report posts.


A prophecy has become known to the world, called the Dark Requiem. It dictates that five of the Lornon Arkati have chosen to come together to usurp Liabo's rule over the world. Led by Sheru, they are Luukos, V'tull, Mularos and Ivas. As the Lornon Arkati become more active, their adherents have likewise become bolder in practicing their faith. These cultists seek to bring the prophecy of the Dark Requiem into reality by recruiting converts, invading towns and cities, kidnapping people and enacting sacrifices at shrines erected around the world. Overseeing it all is the moon, stained crimson each night since the troubles began.

The Lornonites' activities are opposed by many different factions. Among them are Liaboites of many affiliations, joined by neutral parties seeking to restore the balance of the world as well as people seeking to protect the towns and people they care for. The opposition is aided by a gnomish seer and a human rumored to be a member of the Warders, a militant and often-reviled sect of the Order of Voln believed long dead.

Current Situation[]

King Tyrnian of Ta'Vaalor has recently been murdered by Tiope, formerly a Lord Legioinnaire Commander of the Crimson Legion. Tiope was potentially under the influence of the Lornonites when she killed the king. She escaped through a portal immediately after and still evades capture.

Mulrilon, the Champion of Mularos, has appeared and is causing havoc in Icemule Trace. He has sent attacks against the city walls, and is capturing and killing halflings inside the city. A floating sphere has appeared in the Hall of the Wounded Heart in Icemule's temple, which appears to be collecting anguish and emotional pain from those who wander too closely.

The seer Yuratlya was working on a translation of the Dark Requiem, but has been kidnapped by Azorlok's forces. There is no word whether the translation has been recovered.

Carhn, the Champion of V'tull, has been killed. As a result, V'tullian cultists have retreated, and some weakening in the Lornonite unity has been sensed. Liaboites now appear to be gathering in unity, putting the Lornonites to flight.  Further, cracks of silvery light have been seen in the crimson sheen encompassing the moon, perhaps evidence of Lornon's weakening hold.

Important People and Terms[]

Information partly supplied by Naionna

Abran - Luukosian cultist, name unknown in game
Aibri - Luukosian cultist, name unknown in game
Aldrik - priest of Lorminstra, name unknown in game
Arcathis - Luukosian cultist
Azorlok - Avatar of Sheru
Carhn - Avatar of V'Tull
Deirhge - Luukosian cultist, name unknown in game
Erim - NPC from previous storyline in 2008, father of Piperel
Hanos - first appeared 03/2011 in SH, rumored to be a Warder
Isium - zealot of Sheru, author of the Dark Requiem thousands of years ago
Naja - Champion of Luukos
Ningrint - first appeared 05/2011 in TI, Scribner, lich, claims Ronanite sympathies, name unknown in game
Piperel - also called Pip, NPC from previous storyline in 2008, daughter of Erim, known as the "Herald," deceased
Pyali - priest of Lorminstra, name unknown in game
Qalinor - former Lord Legionnaire Commander of Ta'Vaalor's Crimson Legion, now serving as Steward of the House
Sedrygin - first appeared 03/2011 in SH, cleric of Koar, name unknown in game
Shezzaka - Sheruvian cultist, name unknown in game
Tiope - former Lord Legionnaire Commander of Ta'Vaalor's Crimson Legion, murdered King Tyrnian potentially under outside influence
Tyrnian - ruler and Sovereign Commander of House Vaalor, recently murdered by Tiope
Ydos - first appeared 05/2011 in TI, liaison for Scribners, name unknown in game
Yuratlya - first appeared 11/2010 in WL, formerly blind gnomish seer, claims not to work for any side in the conflict, currently kidnapped by Azorlok

Player Characters
Caden - Dhe'nar sorcerer, ally of the Lornonites, released Azorlok from his imprisonment, banished from Wehnimer's Landing
Delcian - human priest of Ronan, named a Chosen of Ronan, torture victim
Ephelysse - Faendryl sorcerer, assisted in finding a cure for the Blight
Fjalar - dwarven warrior, Slayer of Cahrn
Hubris - giantman knight of Ronan, named a Chosen of Ronan
Isanae - sylvan empath, sacrificial victim
Jaired - Tehir, retired Lord Marshal of the Militia, close friend of Pip
Jesphian - Faendryl sorcerer, ally of the Lornonites, banished from Wehnimer's Landing
Myke - giantman paladin of Voln, claims affiliation with the Warders, strongly urged by Hanos to become a leader of those opposing the Lornonites
Myriamie - Nalfein with no known religious affiliation, wife of Taeghan, sacrificial victim
Nilandia - sylvan scholar, mentalist and telepath, named a Chosen of Lumnis and the Keeper of Knowledge, assisted in finding a cure for the Blight
Philnia - sylvan cleric, named a Chosen of Lumnis
Taeghan - Squire Legionnaire of Ta'Vaalor and paladin of Ronan, named a Chosen of Ronan, husband of Myriamie

Dark Requiem - prophecy written by Isium which contains a chain of events that results in the rule of Lornon
Elanthian Inquisitor - in-game newspaper, periodically publishes issues with information on the current events
Scribners - a neutral organization that collects ancient artifacts and knowledge
Warders - militant sect of the Order of Voln, said by some to be heretical, believes in killing the people who use or create undead as well as releasing undead

Chapter 1 Summary[]

Provided by Naionna, covering November 2010 to August 2011

Locations: Wehnimers Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Icemule Trace, Teras, exteriors of Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim

General Synopsis: Yuratlya, a blind seer, appeared to players in November of 2010 to convey the coming of a Sheruvian prophecy. In December, the Crimson Moon appeared as a normal phenomenon known to happen yearly during the end of the year, but did not end as usual. Beginning in January, several sacrifices started to occur, with the increasing agitation and fear growing amongst the populace of Elanthia due to the constant presence of the Crimson Moon and its effects. Invasions, kidnappings, appearances of altars and Lornon cultists become the normal occurrence.

February, a young girl named Piperel is kidnapped in Solhaven and several adventurers go to her rescue as they are familiar with the family. She is found the next day, but has been through something supernatural in nature and now has visions in the forms of nightmares every time she sleeps. She is deemed the 'Herald' of the prophecy by the seer and deteriorates rapidly due to the effects of her affliction. The seer spends a great deal of time with the child and her father, Erim, documenting her visions and speaking to her about her experiences. She concludes that the prophecy she spoke of in November has now started and is in progress fully.

In March, an attempt is made to release the child from her torment by a cleric of Koar, Sedrygin, in Solhaven at the arch of the Liabo. It fails, and the seer confides in those in attendance of the details she knows of the prophecy and an important tome named the Dark Requiem. She provides them with the information that the tome contains the steps to the prophecy, and is in fact considered by many to be the word of Sheru, written thousands of years ago by a half-elven zealot who claimed he was fed the text by the Lord of Nightmares Himself. Only one copy exists and must be found if those who oppose the prophecy would like to know more of what they face and get a foothold on stopping it. In the same meeting, a man called Hanos appears in the crowd to observe and is named by the seer as a Warder, though he has yet to confirm such a thing. His role is yet unknown other than his opposition to Luukos as a part of his vows being a Master of Voln. Several others, however, are revealed as "Chosen" of the Liabo - a priest by the name of Delcian, a Knight of Ronan and Vaalorian soldier by the name of Taeghan, and a Knight of Ronan by the name of Hubris. These three are named 'Chosen of Ronan' and are tasked with finding the "written word of Ronan" to aid in the process of locating the needed tome. In addition, a sylvan healer by the name of Nilandia is deemed a Keeper of Knowledge due to her devotions to Lumnis and is given an unsual map of the stars that is rumored to detail the numbers on each side of the conflict, ever changing as the roles do.

During an unusual disturbance in Darkstone Castle near Wehnimer's Landing, a phylactery is discovered in a shrine to Sheru within the castle itself. Several adventurers gathered and reported strange whisperings requesting a release of something or someone. One such adventurer, a sorcerer by the name of Caden, spoke the name given to him in said whisperings and released a being named Azorlok. Ancient and of enormous power, Azorlok is said to be the Avatar of Sheru and has come to begin the prophecy in earnest. Shortly afterwards, everyone was expelled from the shrine and the castle was overrun both inside and outside on the grounds by demons and other horrifying creatures. This lasted for several weeks until a way to weaken the magic creating them was found by heroic adventurers.

The months that followed found several attacks upon the cities of Elanthia, with continued sacrifices, kidnappings, and appearances by the Avatar of Sheru. Producing allies, the Avatar has been seen with Naja, Champion of Luukos, and Carhn, Champion of V'Tull. There are rumors of Ivasian influence as well as Mularosian influence with their champions to be seen at some point in the future should the prophecy not be stopped. Though the tome, the Dark Requiem, has now been located and is in the hands of the adventurer's who oppose the prophecy, they have yet to translate its ancient dialect and it is so far, of no use to them.

OOC Note: I'm sure I've left out things, and I don't mean to slight anyone or anything, so if you'd like to add in something please feel free! This was just a general overview of the storyline thusfar and the major parts of its plot movement.

Special thanks to the following staff - GM Wyrom, GM Bravura, SGM Kaikala, GM Ovellia, GM Aulis, GM Marstreforn, GM Valyrka, GM Thandiwe, GM Nebhrail, GM Cirath, GM Itzel, SGM Izzea, GM Kenstrom, GM Quyorque, GM Gsyxer, and GM Zoet


The copy of the Dark Requiem has been delivered to Yuratlya, who has begun working on translating it with the assistance of various adventurers. Pip, the Herald of the prophecy, has succumbed to her torments and died.

Chapter 1 Timeline[]

Click on each date to read more information of the event, where more information is available.

Date Event
November 27, 2010 Yuratlya first arrives in the Landing and warns of the impending trouble with the Lornonites.
December 7, 2010 Nilandia first encounters rain that appears as blood.
December 10, 2010 Delcian is attacked near River's Rest and dies of poison.
December 15, 2010 Nilandia again encounters the blood rain.
December 17, 2010 Nilandia once again encounters the entity that plays on her fears and insecurities.
December 17, 2010 Lana, niece to merchant Lectoria, goes missing in the Landing.
December 18, 2010 Nilandia once more faces her fears and encounters the unseen entity.
December 18, 2010 Lana is found outside Wehnimer's Landing, sacrificed.
December 22, 2010 Snow falls in the park that appears to change to blood. People there also are afflicted with their fears and insecurities seeming to be real.
December 22, 2010 Drud is lured to Lake Eonak and attacked by Sheruvians.
January 5, 2011 The first issue of the Elanthian Inquisitor is published, providing some information of the current events.
January 7, 2011 Jackals attack the Landing and a dockworker is sacrificed. Jackals hound a group of people praying to Ronan.
January 8, 2011 Pip, daughter of Erim and good friend of several adventurers, disappears from Solhaven. Jackals attack River's Rest while she is gone.
January 9, 2011 Pip's father returns home to find Pip sprawled on the floor. She is afflicted with nightmares and restless torments while she sleeps.
January 14, 2011 Cultist chanting is heard outside the Landing. Beatrise's alternate personality surfaces briefly.
January 14, 2011 Isanae experiences a vision of the Ur-Daemons.
January 15, 2011 Isanae is captured in River's Rest and sacrificed by cultists.
January 15, 2011 Delcian, Taeghan and Hubris receive visions and a task from Ronan.
January 16, 2011 Philnia receives a vision that the three of Ronan must seek a book and require "Knowledge" for the search to be successful.
January 17, 2011 The second issue of the Elanthian Inquisitor is released.
January 17, 2011 Jaired sets fire to the temple of Sheru in Solhaven. Information is recovered from the ashes.
January 18, 2011 Nilandia receives a vision that names the five Lornon Arkati connected with the crimson moon.
January 21, 2011 Jaired visits Pip. Sheru claims Pip belongs to him. The seer Yuratlya counsels people in the park that they have the answers they seek.
January 24, 2011 Jackals attack Whistler's Pass near Ta'Illistim
January 24, 2011 People are possessed or forced to experience their fears. Delcian receives a message. The seer Yuratlya arrives to provide advice.
January 26, 2011 Jackals attack the Landing and Teras. Nilandia is attacked by crimson light.
January 27, 2011 Fears once again come to the fore for several people on the dais, but Sheru's influence is shattered by Beinion's faith in Koar.
January 28, 2011 Rumors spread of new activity in Ta'Vaalor.
January 29, 2011 Demons attack Icemule. Sheru's influence is felt in triage, particularly by Shilarra.
January 29, 2011 Myriamie and Taeghan bind themselves and their dreams together, becoming husband and wife and hoping to escape the crimson moon's influence.
February 2, 2011 Shadows appear to draw on fears and turn people against one another.
February 5, 2011 Jackals attack the Landing. Orainissa is briefly captured but rescued. Shilarra is assassinated outside the Keep.
February 7, 2011 Carhn, the champion of V'tull, first appears. Brunhilde receives a vision of the future. The Elanthian Inquisitor publishes its third issue.
February 9, 2011 Shadows appear and taunt the people in the park.
February 10, 2011 Carhn attacks Teras but retires vowing to return stronger. Rain briefly appears red to the people in triage.
February 13, 2011 Shadows and brief possessions disrupt the Widow Weepy's work session. Beinion once more shatters Sheru's influence.
February 22, 2011 Pip's condition continues to deteriorate. Erim receives word from priests about helping his daughter.
February 25, 2011 Carhn and his allies cross to the mainland. Khlat provides some information on Carhn.
March 2, 2011 Sedrygin attempts to remove Pip's torments and fails. Yuratlya admits that there is no cure for Pip and discusses the Dark Requiem. Hanos first appears, names Nilandia a Chosen of Lumnis, and gives her a map of the stars.
March 3, 2011 Erim begins to realize that Pip will not improve.
March 12, 2011 A woman is sacrificed and an attack near Cysaegir. Delcian meets with a librarian about the Word of Ronan.
March 15, 2011 Yuratlya speaks in the Keep and reveals that there are three Avatars of Sheru to awaken, according to the prophecy.
March 16, 2011 Ivasians attack a Militia drill. Delcian takes shattered Sheruvian prayer beads to the Sheruvian monastery, only to encounter more than he bargained for.
March 28, 2011 Caden releases Azorlok, the Avatar of Sheru. Darkstone is occupied by Sheruvians.
March 30, 2011 Taeghan is tried in Ta'Vaalor for failure to disclose his marriage and possible conflicting allegiances due to officership in the Militia. He is demoted to Squire Legionnaire and ordered to submit weekly reports to Commander Godle Urmeil.
March 30, 2011 Cultists appear in the park to recruit people to join them.
April 21, 2011 Sheruvian forces in Darkstone pull back to regroup.
April 22, 2011 OOC background of Hanos meeting with the Warders.
April 23, 2011 Sheruvian forces return to Darkstone, arranged in zones by creature level range.
May 2, 2011 Women with a link to nature are forced to dance for the crimson moon and tear at their own flesh.
May 7, 2011 A mother and daughter are sacrificed near the Landing. Leech extracts information about the Lornonites.
May 21, 2011 Azorlok leads a massacre of Landing residents, claiming retribution for being attacked by Jaired.
May 24, 2011 Azorlok interrupts the memorial service for the Landing residents. Naja first appears. Azorlok and Naja set fire to the city and people.
May 30, 2011 Carhn allies with Illoke. Krag and trolls occupy Stone Valley and mid-level Illoke take the eastern peak. High level minotaurs and Illoke roam the Badlands and Colossus.
May 30, 2011 Yuratlya arrives in the park to inform those present that Pip, also called Piperel, is dead.
June 8, 2011 Hanos begins to travel to the Landing, and Sheruvians attack the city. Nilandia is mentally attacked and taunted, leaving her comatose. Daarthiir devotes himself to Luukos.
June 9, 2011 Nilandia wakes, but is killed by a Sheruvian assassin along with Jesphian. She is later kidnapped to Darkstone but released. An idol is located and destroyed, ending the Darkstone occupation.
June 10, 2011 Lectoria arrives in the park to talk on the current situation.
June 16, 2011 Occupation forces vanish from the Badlands and Stone Valley due to a server reset.
June 26, 2011 Carhn returns and re-takes the Badlands with minotaurs, Illoke and other creatures.
June 28, 2011 Myriamie is captured and sacrificed by Luukosians. Hanos informs adventurers about a meeting with the Scribners and that Yuratlya has been poisoned.
July 1, 2011 Adventurers meet with a Scribner, who demands a price in return for the Dark Requiem. The search begins for the demanded price.
July 2, 2011 The urn shard demanded by the Scribner is recovered. Yuratlya arrives, exhorts the adventurers to work together, and names Nilandia as a Keeper of Knowledge.
July 21, 2011 Carhn and his followers withdraw from the Badlands to regroup, expected to return.
July 31, 2011 Various meeting hall organizations hold a fundraiser for the Landing's rebuilding. Over 7 million silver is raised and donated to the Landing government.
August 6, 2011 Delcian is kidnapped and tortured with acid, succumbing to his wounds later.
August 10, 2011 Illoke and Sheruvians retake the Badlands, and minotaurs move into the Krag Slopes.
August 13, 2011 NPC Liaboites arrive to defend the Landing and assist in the occupations up in the Badlands.
August 19, 2011 The Scribners grow impatient for their payment and set a date to exchange for the Dark Requiem.
August 24, 2011 Yuratlya continues to recover from the poison, and sees the Lornonites walking in the open, unafraid.
August 24, 2011 NPC Liaboite defenders withdraw from the Landing except for Upper Dragonsclaw in hobgoblins. Griffins and worms withdraw from the Badlands, which have tamer swarms.
August 26, 2011 Adventurers meet with the Scribner Ningrint and exchange the urn shard for the Dark Requiem. Yuratlya ventures out and is informed that the book is in Liaboite possession.
August 27, 2011 Landing mayor Stennis issues a statement encouraging the defenders.
August 29, 2011 Occupation creatures retreat from the Krag Slopes and Badlands due to mechanics issues.
August 30, 2011 Hanos sternly informs Myke that the Dark Requiem should be given to Yuratlya.
September 14, 2011 The Elanthian Inquisitor publishes its fourth issue.
September 14, 2011 Myke begins taking signatures for a petition to aid Shantytown in the Landing.
September 15, 2011 Despite objections by some, the Dark Requiem is given to Yuratlya for translation. She takes volunteers to assist her in the work.
September 18, 2011 Yuratlya begins preparations for translating the Dark Requiem.
September 20, 2011 The Landing is attacked by Sheruvians and Ivasians. Returning from battle, adventurers find the city defaced in several locations.
September 21, 2011 Adventurers meet with Yuratlya for the first time to begin translating the Dark Requiem.
September 27, 2011 Yuratlya expresses fatigue and malaise, canceling the translation for the night.
September 29, 2011 Luukosians flood the area where translations were held. Yuratlya is spirited away by her guards, while adventurers destroy the shrine and attempt to purge the Luukosians from the area.
October 2, 2011 Landing mayor Stennis approves Myke's petition to be set up outside Moot Hall to gather signatures.
October 4, 2011 Yuratlya, suffering from effects of working with the Dark Requiem for too long, wakes and begins to recover.
October 5, 2011 Yuratlya is still frail, but begins work on the translation again.
October 11, 2011 Yuratlya arrives in the park to chat and socialize with the people there.
October 20, 2011 The Badlands, Colossus and Krag Slopes are occupied once again after a battle with Carhn's followers and allies.

Chapter 2 Timeline[]

Date Event
November 8, 2011 Several people are visited by visions, several tied to shadows. Seremela is possessed and killed by an unseen entity that speaks to others.
November 9, 2011 The Elanthian Inquisitor publishes another edition on the recent attacks and mental disturbances.
November 9, 2011 Several people are attacked by undead outside River's Rest, Ta'Vaalor and Wehnimer's Landing.
November 12, 2011 The Elanthian Inquisitor reports that crops wither and die in widespread devastation. Supplies go missing in many towns. Attacks upon people grow worse.
November 26, 2011 Azorlok appears, plants and animals show disease in the Landing. The merchant Dyhne is killed near Mist Harbor, and his ingots of rare metal stolen by Sheruvians.
November 27, 2011 A first meeting is called to coordinate famine relief efforts. The orphan Laena is stricken with a disease from the blight but is cured through the aid of many.
November 29, 2011 A second meeting is called, attended by the merchant Lectoria. The seer Yuratlya reports on, among other things, another method used to purge the blight disease from people.
November 30, 2011 Donation bins and other area improvements appear in the Landing's Shanty Town, spearheaded by Myke.
December 13, 2011 During a battle in Wehntoph, the source of Carhn's strength is destroyed and he is slain by Fjalar.
January 29, 2012 A preliminary, abridged version of Yuratlya's translation of the Dark Requiem is published by Nilandia.
January 29, 2012 The Elanthian Inquisitor reports on the aftermath of Carhn's death. V'tullian cultists begin to retreat, and some progress is made against blight-related sickness in people.
January 31, 2012 Hanos arrives to share some information. A hidden V'tullian shrine is located in the Landing and destroyed.
February 4, 2012 Mayor Stennis of Wehnimer's Landing meets with citizens and adventurers to discuss the current situation. Jesphian and Caden are banned from Wehnimer's Landing.
February 8, 2012 Amid heavy rains that appeared like blood, the Luukosian champion attacks all major cities with undead, horrors and shadow-encased beings.
April 7, 2012 Fethik reports improvement among blight-struck plantlife. Argent Mirror Myasara, ruler of Ta'Illistim, notes that research into curing the blight is appearing to have some effect.
April 9, 2012 Reports from around the lands hint that a breakthrough has been made in researching the blight.
April 25, 2012 Work begins in hopes of curing the blight. Construction begins in Shantytown in the Landing. A crack of silvery light is reported seen in the crimson moon.
May 8, 2012 Efforts to cure the blight start to show promising results. Liaboites begin to come together in unity while Azorlok remains suspiciously quiet.
June 30, 2012 The Argent Mirror recognizes and titles those who've participated in finding a cure for the blight. Hanos appears after the ceremony to give some grim news.

Chapter 3 Timeline[]

Date Event
January 6, 2013 The seer Yuratlya is captured by bandits working for Azorlok, who appears and taunts adventurers in Solhaven.
January 7, 2013 A brief incursion of undead floods the streets of Icemule. Later, Myke and Nilandia experience a few visions and receive comfort from Lorminstra.
February 7, 2013 Lectoria arrives in the park to discuss events, an altar near the Landing is destroyed, and more cracks appear in the crimson moon.